Handmade vegetable trahana 500gr

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Product details
Handmade vegetable trahana!!!
Product Name: Vegetable Pearl Pasta.
Product characteristics: Semolina from durum wheat, dehydrated vegetables (spinach 2%, beetroot 2%, red pepper.).
No insects.
No other substances.
Product moisture: Moisture: max 12%.
Microbiological characteristics: ΟΜΧ: max 100000 cfu/g
Zyme- Fungus: max 10000 cfu/g
T. Coliforms : max 1000 cfu/g
Cl. perfrigens: max 100 cfu/g
Βacillus Cereus: max 100 cfu/g
St. Aureus : max 100 cfu/g
Salmonella: Not at all in 25g
Chemical characteristics: Aflatoxin Β1: max 2μg/kg
Aflatoxin Β1+Β2+G1+G2: max 4μg/kg
Ochratoxin Α: max 3μg/kg
DON: max 750μg/kg
Zearalenone: max 75μg/kg
Pb: max 0,2mg/kg
Cd: max 0,2mg/kg
Remains of plant protection products according to regulation EK/396/2005 (http://ec.europa.eu/sanco_pesticides/public/index.cfm)
Allergens: Gluten of wheat