White Wines

Frozen Food

Vaeni Makedonikos White 750 ml

Vaeni Makedonikos White 750 ml A FEW WORDS ABOUT WINE… This is a white wine produced from red grapes of the noble variety Xinomavro....
Drinks White Wines Wines
Alcoholic Drinks

KEO Aphrodite White 750ml

"KEO" Aphrodite White 750ml Classic, crisp, dry white wine with a delicate aroma of fresh cut hay and stone fruit. Made with Cyprus indigenous...
Drinks White Wines Wines
Alcoholic Drinks

KEO St. Panteleimon white 750ml

"KEO" St. Panteleimon 750ml Medium sweet white wine with a floral bouquet and a palate of stone fruits and citrus made from vineyards from...
Drinks White Wines Wines
Alcoholic Drinks

Vaeni DOGMATIKOS White 750 ml

Vaeni DOGMATIKOS White 750 ml A unique white dry wine that is created from red grapes (Blanc de Noir), yielding an aromatic and balanced...
Drinks White Wines Wines
Alcoholic Drinks

Vaeni Alexander the Great, White dry 11% vol. 750ml

Vaeni Alexander the Great, White dry 11% vol. 750ml White wine from specially selected vineyards of the leading variety "Xinomavro" grown on the slopes...
Drinks White Wines Wines
Alcoholic Drinks

Vaeni Socrates, White Semi-dry wine 11,5% vol. 750ml

Vaeni Socrates, White Semi-dry wine 11,5% vol. 750ml Socrates... Unfulfilled love lust that becomes more intense with the first glass! A white wine that...
Drinks White Wines Wines
Alcoholic Drinks

Savatiano white wine 750ml

White dry wine  100% Savatiano  PGI Attica  12% vol. From one of the noblest Greek grape varieties, a wine with bright color, fruit and...
Drinks White Wines Wines

PENCIL Muscat white wine 750ml

White semi- dry wine  100% Muscat  11,5% vol. With a light lemon color, this wine gives cool acidity, medium body and intense aromas. It...
Drinks White Wines Wines

Vaeni Askos bag, White dry wine 11% vol. 5Lt

Vaeni Askos bag, White dry wine 11% vol. 5Lt The TAXIMI series has been in the Greek market for years and is distinguished for...
Drinks White Wines Wines
Alcoholic Drinks

PAPER white wine 750ml

White dry wine  100% Roditis  11,5% vol. Roditis is one of the oldest and most widespread Greek grape varieties. Medium acidity, medium body has...
Drinks White Wines Wines

FILARETOS white wine 1.5lt

White dry wine  80% Savatiano - 20% Roditis  11,5% vol. With a light lemon color, this wine gives cool acidity, medium body and intense...
Drinks White Wines Wines

FILARETOS Muscat white wine Askos 5lt

FILARETOS Muscat white wine Askos 5lt Muscat semi-dry wine  100% Muscat 11,5% vol. Medium acidity, medium body has soft lemon and mineral aromas, with...
Drinks White Wines Wines

FILARETOS Muscat white wine1.5lt

FILARETOS Muscat white wine1.5lt Muscat semi-dry wine  100% Muscat 11,5% vol. Medium acidity, medium body has soft lemon and mineral aromas, with floral notes...
Drinks White Wines Wines

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